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we pay for shipping over $49
March 03, 2021 2 min read
Spring is on its way and as a Mom, that only means one thing: an entire week with the kids home from school! If spring break has you scrambling for activities, you may be considering a trip away with the family. Maybe a road trip to the beach or a plane ride to Grandma’s house?
As you’re packing for your trip, your main focus is probably on what will keep your little one occupied: their favorite teddy, a baseball, or video games. But one of the most important items you’ll throw in that overnight bag is your KEEP>GOING First Aid Kit.
With a travel First Aid Kit in hand, you can quickly stop the tears after a fall from the swings, an ant bite, or another “traumatic” situation that can easily ruin an adventure. Here are a few reasons why a First Aid Kit bag will quickly become your new favorite travel companion.
Depending on where you’re heading, you could be up against strong mosquitoes, ticks or cold weather. In times like these, your First Aid Kit will keep you equipped to save a fun day.
With our well stocked First Aid Kit in tow, you’re armed with not only cleaning wipes and bandages but also triple antibiotic and hydrocortisone cream, lip balm, tick removal tool and more. The KEEP>GOING cute First Aid Kit has everything you need to combat the elements and make sure everyone enjoys their day.
No matter how prepared you are, as a mom, you know anything can happen. Your daughter’s dress rips, your son’s shoelace disappears, your own purse handle breaks. In these situations, a few safety pins and a miniature sewing kit are all you need to be the hero.
With a KEEP>GOING compact First Aid Kitin hand, you’re ready to take on any strange or unexpected mishaps that come your way, especially when you’re away from home.
Skipping down the boardwalk or climbing the monkey bars can quickly turn into tears if a toe gets a splinter, a knee is bruised, a blister or the nose starts to bleed. But with a compact First Aid Kit tucked in your bag, you don’t have to stress about these minor injuries.
You’re equipped with assorted bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, nosebleed plugs, moleskin to treat blisters and more. You even have colorful stickers to make your kiddo smile while you treat the injury!
Your spring break trip should be full of giggles and good times. Don’t let a scraped up knee, minor cut, tick bite, blister or ripped pants destroy your chances of making happy memories with the family.
KEEP>GOING First Aid Kitsare Designed to Help! With your new favorite travel companion, you can enjoy your trip knowing you’re ready to take on whatever comes your way.
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